I'm proud to announce (as the title suggests) the sale of Taste of Air to Dreamspinner Press. This came at exactly the right time for hubby and me that I truly believe it was blessed. Projected release date is August - September 2014.
Working hard on book three at the moment, but it's coming along slowly. Still looking to work on a few of those awesome comtemps I have ideas for. As for the Christmas story I wanted to post here...very difficult to find a PDF platform that will hold the file without taking the reader to a page with all my account information. In these days of super-hackers, that just seems like a very bad idea. So, I'll keep searching - or hopefully blogger will make a widget/gadget that will allow peeps to upload PDF's directly from their computers and embed them into the file without all the fanfare, extra steps and outside influences. Yes, I'm looking directly at you blogger programmers.
2014 is going to be a great year and an awesome time to make dreams come true and get the positive energy flowing. (I'm starting to sound like my alchemists.)
Here's hoping your New Year looks as bright as mine!
- CS